This 4.7 acre slice of land, located near Lake Buchanan and less than 100 miles from the geographic center of Texas, was founded in 2012 by a couple of long-time Texans known by most folks as just plain ole Matt and Tammy. In 2012, while exploring the property, we discovered one tree, a hackberry tree, that had recently split in two pieces and had fallen to the ground. From that point on, the property became known as SplitTree.
Since the founding of SplitTree, we have cleared off about 1/2 acre of prickly pair cactus; built hundreds of feet of fence; added electrical power; built a cover and deck for our RV (the Lake House); built an outdoor shower; added 13 birdhouses; built several pieces of rustic cedar outdoor furniture including: 5 park benches, 1 bar, 1 breakfast table, and a coffee table. We also constructed a fire pit, and have held 8 SplitTree barbeques!
We have even more projects coming up! We're planning to add a rain-catchment system (I have most of the pieces, just gotta put it together. Get off your butt Coleman!!); build an observation deck/bird blind; add some more park benches, more birdhouses, a bat house, and whatever else we can think of...
Our original goal for SplitTree was to have our own private park where we could take our RV on weekends and enjoy nature and the great outdoors without having to deal with park reservations and holiday crowds. But SplitTree has become much more. It has become a place, at the barbeques, where we can spend time with family and friends, play games, smoke meat, drink beer, talk about old times and new times, create new memories, share our love for each other, and enjoy the important things in life.
~ Matt & Tammy